Wednesday, February 9, 2011

GO with the FLOW !!

Sometimes things happen in life, we are not sure why. Have you ever been disappointed because someone said one thing and something entirely different happened??  

Why you ask, did this happen to me?  Look at the situation from a totally different place and see what you come up with. What is there for me to learn here? We do not always know the real meaning of something, we may be  disappointed, but as time goes on things are revealed and we see it more clearly…

There is a plan for each of us, however we only see what is right in front of us at any given time, accept and allow, go with the flow. Do NOT be attached to anything, when we have expectations we set ourself up for disappointment.

Go with the flow…Life is a gift, the BEST place to be is in the PRESENT cause the present has POTENTIAL !

Love & peace

Make 2011 your year ! Make it a positive experience. Join us for one of our upcoming seminars or contact us for a free consultation to discuss how we can help you have more Joy & Peace in your life. Check our website at: for more information about upcoming seminars and one-on-one, couples or group sessions.