Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Change happens everyday, every minute in many forms. You may wonder why is this happening, its difficult to understand, but as time goes on the blessing is disclosed…Mom broke her hip last September which at the time was a horrible thing…she was in pain and in the hospital for many weeks however she had an opportunity to do some of her covalence at the nursing home that is now her home. She was not looking forward to moving to a nursing home. Leaving her home was a scary thing for her but after spending a few weeks there she really liked it. The staff was great and took good care of her, no more worries of how to get things done on her own. It was truly a blessing in disguise as she loves it there, we are all relieved as she is being well taken care of now.

We will all experience change in our lives there are blessings & gifts in it all, although often painful, it may take many years to see the blessing. Things are taken away when/if they are not in our best good/interest…that maybe hard to understand for many but if we can be truly honest with ourselves we can see it was not really what was best for us anyway. We do not always know the real meaning of what is happening or what we see. It’s part of the journey/plan that has been set for us.

Enjoy the journey, go with the flow, BE present, that is where the gifts are, this is why they call it the present !!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pyillis, just in here reading your blog. My mom had to leave her home too but is much happier in care and has made friends. Her health is better too. :O) Have a great weekend!

